
Please choose one of the following options to start query:

1) GENOMIC POSITION ; enter a starting (0-based) and ending position (1-based) to query the population-genetic characteristics of an SNV, or SNVs in a genomic region, found within one of our repeat protein domains (RPDs).

EX: chr1 150955909 150956471 (*note: start with 'chr', and the elements have to be separated by a single space)

2) MOTIF ; choose from one of the following 12 RPDs (ANK, ANX, ARM, CA, FN2, FN3, LRR, SPEC, TPR, UIM, WD40, WW). For details on the RPDs, please consult the 'Download' page for links to descriptions to the SMART database.

3) PDB ID ; enter the PDB ID of a protein structure in the Protein Data Bank that contains at least one of the 12 RPDs in our resource.